Well-Child Check-Ups

Having a newborn can be stressful, whether you're a new mom or have been through it before. As a mom, I understand the mix of excitement and nervousness and aim to put your mind at ease by assessing the health and progress of your child through each development stage.

Well-Baby and Well-Child check-ups are routine visits where I measure and monitor your little one's progress and any concerns you have. Each visit will have different purposes depending on your child's stage.

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Following birth

After having your little one, you may need some time to rest, so I only encourage an initial visit at 10 days old if you have concerns to discuss, or 6 weeks for routine follow-up if there are no concerns. Any signs of illness within the first 7 days should ideally be discussed with the Paediatrician seen in hospital at the time of delivery.

At the 6-week routine visit, we assess how well your child is adjusting to life outside the womb and address any concerns you may have. There are no silly questions or concerns - all are welcome. I will take your baby's measurements, perform a complete physical evaluation, offer feeding support and check their neurodevelopment.

3 months

It will be necessary for another visit after your child has reached a few months so that we can check in with their nutritional needs and development. Your child will have grown significantly, so I will complete a physical examination, assess their growth and check for any neurodevelopmental issues. If any issues arise, intervening as soon as possible increases your child's chances of quick and efficient treatment.

6 months

Regular check-ups every 3 months will become routine for your little one as I assess their growth and development. At 6 months, I will weigh and measure your baby, check for any neurodevelopmental issues, provide feedback and offer guidance on any concerns you have. This is also usually when children start to grow their baby teeth and begin teething.

9 months

Your little one will have developed significantly by 9 months and may have started to progress to crawling by now. I will do a full physical examination, track your child’s progress and advice on the next steps for continuing your baby’s development.

12 months

Your little human's first birthday is an incredible milestone, and I look forward to seeing them after a full year of growth. This visit serves as more of a discussion about your child's development over the last year, any concerns you have and what you can expect from here.

18 months

At this stage, your little one will have reached many exciting milestones and started to develop behavioural and emotional patterns. The 18-month check-up is necessary to assess all the milestones and discuss new concerns, such as picky eating, ADHD, allergies and other chronic issues.

Annual check-ups

From the age of two, you can start to bring your child for annual visits to keep monitoring their progress and growth. I will attend to all their needs during these visits, including nutrition, development and any other issues.

Annual visits are generally only essential up till age five. However, if you have any concerns or your child has a condition that requires regular check-ups, reach out and schedule a visit.

My practice is a safe space for children of all ages. I provide a multidisciplinary approach to help care for your little ones during times of illness or routine check-ups.

Give us a call: 011 726 4215

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